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Current RFP/RFQs

Annual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 1 – Addendum No. 1Annual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 2 – Addendum No. 1Annual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 3 – Addendum No. 1Annual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 4 – Addendum No. 1Annual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 5 – Addendum No. 1PRJ 641 Multi-Unit Control Panel Replacement Project – Request for Bid ProposalAnnual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 1 – Request for Bid ProposalAnnual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 2 – Request for Bid ProposalAnnual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 3 – Request for Bid ProposalAnnual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 4 – Request for Bid ProposalAnnual Landscape Maintenance Contract No. 5 – Request for Bid Proposal


*Bid results will be available 30 days after Bid openings.

Bidding and Solicitation of Proposals

Solicitation of bids or proposals from contractors and other service providers shall be in accordance with the following:

  1. Where applicable, an engineer’s estimate of probable construction costs shall be obtained prior to solicitation of such bids or proposals.
  2. Where the estimate of probable construction cost is equal to or greater than $300,000, Staff, in cooperation with the District Engineer and District General Counsel, shall formally bid the project in accordance with Florida law. Specifically, Section 298.22(1) requires Chapter 298 special districts to comply with section 255.20 and other general law for the competitive bidding of construction activity estimated to cost more than $300,000. Section 255.0525 requires special districts to advertise projects over $300,000 by publication.
    (a) Under no circumstances may a project be intentionally split up into separate tasks of less than the $300,000 to avoid placing the project out for bid.
  3. Where the estimate of probable construction cost is less than $300,000, Staff shall:
    (a) Endeavor to obtain a minimum of three (3) bids from the District’s previously qualified Annual Contractors, or
    (b) Endeavor to obtain a minimum of three (3) bids from qualified licensed contractors if the work is outside the scope of service offered by the District’s Annual Contractors, or if it is believed that any such proposals, as received, are noncompetitive.