Permit Review and Application
A Northern permit is required prior to commencement of construction activities that involve connection or utilization of Northern works, or construction upon or occupation of Northern property or right-of-way (section 3(A)(II) of Chapter 2000-467, Laws of Florida [Northern’s Charter], and Florida Statute 298.28).
Click arrows below for Documents
Download the Permit ApplicationDownload the Permit Transfer FormIf you are unsure as to whether a Northern permit is required for your project, contact Northern’s Permit Coordinator at 561-624-7830 or email to
Review time varies from permit to permit.
Upon issuance of a permit, it is the Permittee’s responsibility to read and ensure they fully understand the permit as issued. All conditions of the permit must be met.
**Permit applications will be accepted via electronic transfer to For larger projects, please send an ftp link with user name and password. Checks can be mailed to Northern’s office at 359 Hiatt Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. Please reference the project name and/or address on check. Please contact with any questions.
Upon submittal, the Application Package will undergo a first review. Comments on or denial of your application will be forwarded to the Engineer of Record or Permittee as deemed appropriate. A second review will take place following receipt of the written response to the comments. You are required to submit three (3) copies of the revised plans, signed and sealed, and other pertinent information as part of the response. The process of comment/resubmittal will continue until Northern notifies you that the Permit has been approved, pending payment of remaining fees, or denied for a given reason. If approved, an invoice for Permitting/Inspection Fees will be e-mailed or mailed to the Engineer of Record and/or the Permittee. Upon receipt of payment, Northern Officials will execute the Permit and a copy will be e-mailed or mailed to the Engineer of Record and/or Permittee.
At this point, the permit moves into the inspection/usage stage. A signed notice of commencement for the permitted activity must be filed with Northern within 365 days of the permit’s issuance date or the permit shall thereupon automatically terminate and a new permit application, as well as payment of new application and review fees, will be required. If construction is scheduled to begin, the permittee is required to notify Northern at least 48 hours prior to the start of construction so that permitted activities can be monitored. Upon construction completion, the Project Engineer must submit Final Certification (signed and sealed), Record Drawings, two (2) paper sets (signed and sealed), and one (1) digital copy in AutoCAD 2000 or greater format. Upon approval of the Record Drawings by the District Engineer, the permit file will be closed.
All aspects of the permitting process are subject to change without notice.
Submittal Fee:
Single Family Residential: $250
All others: $500
(This includes POAs, Governmental Agencies, Utility Companies, Developers, etc.)
For review, approval and execution of a Permit, there shall be due and payable a fee to be determined by Northern. The fee must be paid prior to execution and issuance of the Permit by Northern’s officials.
Review Fees:
Permit review fees are based on actual engineering costs associated with the permit review process. If during the review process the review fees exceed $2,000 prior to permit approval, an interim invoice will be issued to the permittee. For review fees less than $2,000, an invoice for the actual cost of review will be sent prior to permit issuance.
There will be a $250 administrative fee due for any permit modification requests submitted subsequent to the issuance of the permit plus any applicable review fees.
Legal Fees:
All legal fees incurred by Northern in connection with the project being permitted will be invoiced at this time.
Inspection/Usage Fees:
The invoice referenced above will also include a minimum inspection fee of $250 or 3% of the Engineer’s Cost Estimate for construction, whichever is greater. The cost estimate is to be based on Northern permitted activities and affected facilities. This fee will cover Northern’s cost to inspect permitted activities, attend project meetings and deal with any other miscellaneous items that come up before the permit is closed. Please note that the Permittee is required to submit a signed and sealed cost estimate from their Engineer of Record with the initial submittal. When the permit is complete and has been closed by Northern, all remaining inspection fees will be returned to the Permittee. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks from the time of closure for delivery of the check.
If additional inspection fees or other related fees to the permit above the $250 or 3% of the cost of construction are incurred, the permittee will be invoiced for the remaining balance and that balance must be paid prior to permit close out.
A permit will not be issued until full payment is received.
All fees subject to change without notice.
Northern shall endeavor to update the above and linked information in a timely manner, but in no way guarantees the accuracy of the information given. All users of this site are encouraged to independently verify the information presented herein.