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Plat Review and Application

Any proposed Plat within an established Northern Unit of Development is required to be submitted for plat approval as a condition for permit approval. The developer shall submit a plat application package as outlined in the following section if the proposed lands encumbered by said plat lie within the legal legislative boundary of Northern and utilizes Northern facilities.

Click arrow below for Application

Download the Plat Application

To start the process, click on the above link and download Northern’s plat application. We have only one application form and it explains what you need to submit, what the process is and what the fees are. Complete the application to the best of your ability, have it signed by the owner/applicant, enclose with items outlined below the header on Page 1, add a check for application fees as outlined on Page 3 and send it all to Northern’s Plat Coordinator at 359 Hiatt Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. Please be sure to read the application in its entirety.

If you are unsure as to whether you need to submit your plat, return to the opening page for this section of the Web site to learn how you can confirm the location of your project within Northern interests. If your project is within Northern interests, refer to the first paragraph of this page or you may contact Northern’s Plat Coordinator at 561-624-7830 or email to

Review time varies from plat to plat.

Plat applications will be accepted via electronic transfer to For larger projects, please send an ftp link with user name and password.   Checks should be mailed to Northern’s office at 359 Hiatt Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418.  Please reference the project name and/or address on check.  Please contact or with any questions.

Note: All dedications are to be included on the Cover Sheet and stated in Northern’s acceptance paragraph. If there are no dedications to Northern, please use the appropriate dedication language.

Sample Dedication Language


The complete application package (the application fee and electronically submitted plat application, copy of the plat, and copy of the boundary survey) will undergo a first review upon receipt. Comments on your submittal will be forwarded to the Surveyor. A second review will take place upon receipt of the response to the comments. You are required to submit an electronic copy of the revised plat and other pertinent information as part of each response to issued comments. Please note that it will expedite the process if all alterations to the plat are highlighted. The process of comment/resubmittal will continue until Northern notifies you that the Plat has been approved for Mylar production. The Platting Surveyor should have completed any missing record information and have all signatures completed, with the exception of Northern and Palm Beach County/City Entity. At that time, you should submit the mylar (all sheets) and an electronic copy (AutoCAD 2000 or greater) of the plat for review. Upon satisfactory review of the mylar, an invoice for the review and legal and conversion fees will be emailed to the entity indicated on the plat application. Upon receipt of payment, the mylar will be executed and readied for pickup.

Generally, Northern’s Board President is available to execute plat mylars on the fourth Wednesday of the month, January through October, and the third Wednesday of the month, November and December. Other times for Northern’s Board President to be available for mylar signing can be arranged with sufficient notice. We expect the professionals coordinating this effort to schedule the submittals accordingly.

All aspects of the Platting process are subject to change without notice.


Application Fee:
A fee of $250 is due with your application. Applications can be held until this fee is paid.

For review, approval and execution of a Plat, there shall be due and payable a fee to be determined by Northern. The fee is due and payable prior to execution of the Plat by Northern officials.

Review Fees:
At the time the final mylar is approved, an invoice for the actual cost of the review will be issued. The plat will not be released until payment is made.

Legal Fees:
All legal fees incurred to date by Northern in connection with the project being platted will be invoiced at this time.

CADD-GIS Conversion Fees:
Northern will assess a “CADD-GIS conversion fee” as determined by the District Engineer on a case by case basis to fulfill the aforementioned Electronic File requirement. If the applicant submits the referenced electronic files in accordance with the aforementioned standards, the entire CADD-GIS conversion fee will be refunded upon review and acceptance of same. If Northern Staff completes this work, any unused balance, less Northern technical and administrative time, will be returned to the applicant. This fee is to be submitted with the mylars (per the invoice), prior to execution of the plat by Northern.

All fees subject to change without notice.

Northern shall endeavor to update the above and linked information in a timely manner, but in no way guarantees the accuracy of the information given. All users of this site are encouraged to independently verify the information presented herein.