Maintenance is the Key

March 8, 2022 By Katie Roundtree
We all know that the best way to keep our car, our air conditioning and even our lawnmowers running at peak efficiency is to have them serviced regularly. This is a principle that people try to live by because, in the long run, it saves us time and money. It is also one of the principles on which Northern operates every day.
Northern’s Staff perform regular inspections and servicing of the various improvements we own and operate. They are part of a planned program and each Staff person knows the schedule for the improvements under their care. These inspections and services are conducted by a combination of Staff and contractors. An example is the inspection of pipes/culverts. Staff can perform a visual inspection of the visible sections of a pipe but only a diver can conduct an inspection of the pipe’s interior. Another example is the inspection of the pumps at each of the pump stations. Staff can perform the general servicing that keeps the pumps operational but only a specialist can hoist a pump out of the water and perform the full mechanical service that maintains the working life of the pump. On their own, or in conjunction with a contractor, Northern’s Staff work every day to keep the inspections schedule on track.
Regular inspection and servicing enables Northern to get the best possible working life from each of its improvements and to have excellent long term planning for the replacement/upgrade of systems. Northern’s Staff prepare a Five Year Maintenance and Capital Projects Plan that documents the future needs of each area that we serve. The Plan is used to forecast future projects based on priority and budgetary considerations. The Plan specifically identifies projects in excess of $10,000 and categorizes them into maintenance or capital depending on the funding source. Maintenance projects are typically funded through the annual budget where capital projects are typically funded through the issuance of debt. This document is updated annually during the budget process and is used as a tool for scheduling and budgeting projects. The Plan is intended to be a working document and is revised periodically to reflect the changing dynamics of the District.
Northern’s Staff work hard every day to ensure that the improvements that they maintain are in top condition and working order. We strive to provide the highest quality service to the landowners that we serve.