Polly Scherman

Polly Scherman joined Northern as Project Coordinator in 2023.
Polly brings to Northern a wealth of knowledge in the areas of construction and inspections and will assist Northern’s Engineering Department with capital project coordination, permitting and inspections.
Polly earned a BS in Civil Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. After graduation, she was hired with the City of Worcester, MA, Water Engineering department. There, Polly conducted inspections of new water main systems, upgraded water main systems as well as the cleaning and lining of existing systems. Shortly after, Polly was promoted to Design Engineer with Guerriere & Halnon, Inc.. In this role she worked closely with developers designing residential, commercial and industrial projects as well as prepared plans for public hearings for township approval. Thereafter, at Godwin Pumps, Inc. she gained further experience working with dewatering and wastewater pumps and designed bypass systems for both capital improvement projects and emergency calls.
- Responsible for the coordination and administration of project management activities for multiple construction-related projects.
- Preparation of bid estimates and documents for District infrastructure capital and maintenance projects.
- Ensures regulatory agency permit requirements are complied with.
- Performs detailed reviews of complex permit applications that involve District facilities and recommends approval, or denial, of same to the District Engineer.
- Performs inspections of permitted activities.