Susan P. Scheff

Susan Scheff joined Northern as Executive Assistant in 2005 and became District Clerk in 2020.
Susan acquired extensive administrative experience working with special districts, including Northern, during her 14 years with Lewis, Longman & Walker, a local law firm. She is in charge of the Board and Committee agenda packets and processing related documents at Northern. Susan has extensive knowledge of the digital filing system used to store and track documents, and is part of the Administrative group that assists all Northern Staff.
- Serves as Assistant Secretary to the Board
- Responsible for compiling Board and Committee agendas and paperless agenda packets
- Preparation of minutes of Board and Committee meetings
- Distribution and tracking of Board authorized documents
- Schedules meetings for Board members and Staff
- Electronic maintenance of Board and Committee documents
- Assists Executive Director with administrative functions
- Assists with maintenance of Northern’s website
- 2014 Employee of the Year